Job evaluation could be completed within a couple of months
Job evaluation could be completed within a couple of months

The evaluation of the agreement between the governments of the United States and Turkey, for the approval of the sale of General Dynamics F-16 Fighting Falcon warplanes produced by the American military aviation group Lockheed Martin, could be completed within a couple of months. US President Joe Biden has also made it known that he is promoting the sale and will work to persuade lawmakers to supply these aircraft to Turkey.
"It is not very easy to provide a clear forecast, but there seems to be a high probability that the process will be completed in the next one or two months", said the spokesman for the Turkish presidential office, Ibrahim Kalin in recent days.
The agreement between the two countries of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) had stalled in the United States Congress, due to two amendments that placed insurmountable conditions on the sale to Turkey. These would have been removed last month in the Senate. Ankara has fallen back on the purchase of 40 F-16 aircraft after the failure of the F-35 sale.